
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tangerine Peppers

Oil on Panel 6 x 6

These lively fellas came from a nearby Kin's Market. I bought a bag of four gorgeous peppers in four brilliant hues for a ridiculously low price. 'Twas an artist's delight. My dilemma was this: should I roast them or should I paint them? Decision made.

The painting is an entry in the Daily PaintWorks challenge Color of the Year - Tangerine Tango.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

A Friend I Didn't Know I Had

Oil on Canvas, 6 x 8

An online acquaintance, fellow painter, Darla commented on my blog today, kindly remarking on my absence and complimenting me. I was touched and encouraged to post again. Thank you, Darla.

Today's painting is an entry to the Daily PaintWorks White on White Challenge.

My painting activities this year have been primarily figures and faces. Nothing worthy of posting. I wipe off most of my efforts at the end of each three hour session with the model. I'm making progress, but you won't be seeing those for awhile.

PS  Have at me with all your egg jokes.  (Please. I could use a few new ones.)