
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Looking for More Fries

Oil on Wooden Panel
8" x 8"

The seagull is based on a reference photo I took at Granville Island, Vancouver.  Ah, warm memories of summer. The gulls on the wharf are not one bit embarrassed to swipe your lunch right out of your hands, then walk around proudly like this one with his white chest puffed towards the brilliant sun, as if to say "You didn't need those fries anyway, lady."

Sunday, September 25, 2011


9 x 12
Pencil on Paper
This is Mike, brother of Ian, my better half. The brothers do look alike. I strove to achieve a likeness of Mike without overworking the drawing.

I'm working with harder pencils. For non-drawers, harder pencils make lighter marks and can be erased more easily. Solves the problem of wearing through my paper with too much erasing.

(Some problems getting a good photo of this one. The paper is actually true white, not sepia toned.)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Watching the World Whiz By

Richelle on the Train
Pencil on Paper
8 x 10

My friend Richelle recently moved  toWashington DC of all places. Within a week of her arrival there, she lived through an earthquake and a hurricane! I miss her dearly and I thought about her while I drew her portrait. The drawing is based on a reference photo I took last December when we rode the Amtrak to Seattle to see the Picasso exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum. It is a moment in time that I remember fondly.