
Monday, February 22, 2010

With Glowing Heart: An Olympic Comment from Vancouver

Morning Sun on Silver Lake
Acrylic on Canvas 11" x 14"

I've missed connecting with you this month.  Writing is filling much of my creative time, however, I am still painting and drawing - that keeps me grounded. Here is a sweet memory from a camping trip last summer at Silver Lake, Washington. I'll have some new art to post soon, a few pieces are in the works.

Things are coming along at Olympic speed. I feel that a gold medal may be in the offing for me. My main event is Writing the Book.

I am over the moon about learning how to complete a book and prepare a proposal for a publisher. Two things that I love about this project are the steep learning curve and the opportunity to amalgamate information into a cohesive result. That all sounds a bit nerdy but it is sincere. I feel elated, energized and optimistic. That is my own gold medal.

The steep learning is coming at me from two sources:

First, from a UBC Continuing Ed course, Non-Fiction Book Writing, taught by Angela Murrills. She is an accomplished Canadian journalist and author with reams of relevant information about book proposals and the publishing industry. Her feedback has been invaluable and encouraging. Hearing praise from someone other than family and friends is significant to me as a newbie, no offence to those of you that are my family and friends.

Second, from the Vancouver Public Library. Three weeks ago, I checked out all the books I could carry about writing and publishing. I stumbled on a gem: Write to Publish: Essentials for the Modern Fiction and Memoir Market by Christopher Klim.  He delivers the goods in a short and sweet way that gives me more knowledge and confidence to proceed.

Progress so far: I've gathered much of the content, I've written the back cover blurb, I've laid out the chapters, and identified about 75% of the scenes. I'm starting sections of the proposal for the publisher. I can't sleep for my excitement.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Small is Beautiful

Small is Beautiful  Oil on Linen 6" x 6"

This weekend I switched back to a smaller format to renew my spark. It helps me feel the exhilaration of painting when I complete something sooner. I expect that I'll calm down soon and try a larger format, but for now, this is working for me. That is another wonder of painting - I get to do whatever I choose, and that can be a metaphor for life. Rather than doing what I think I should, I can do what works best for me and this week small works best for me. Small is beautiful.

P.S. The apple is not real.  It is amazing how great fake fruit can look these days.  The bowl is real.