
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Morgan Reading

Oil on Board   9 x 12

Morgan sat for a group of us in Jay Senetchko's studio. His well defined features made capturing the likeness somewhat easier. Too late, I noticed trouble with the way I positioned his image on the board, kind of crunched up in the top right corner. I wanted his head to the left and up a bit, but not that extreme. I'll do that better next time, I swear.

This is the last portrait I'll paint for awhile as I am heading to South Africa with my husband, Ian, to visit his family. I'll take my sketchbook and camera, but no paints.

If you want to keep track of me while I'm on my trip, visit my new photo journal South Africa Days. More pictures, less words.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Reflections for My Biggest Fan

Oil on canvas 8 x 10
My sister, Debbie, generally gushes over my paintings much to my enjoyment. This one is for her to hang in her newly painted blue bathroom. I enjoyed capturing those reflections on the vase.

I have an idea that the sea shell and vase might look intriguing sitting on the counter somewhere near the painting. I'll try it out when I visit Debbie in Okotoks this week.