Ice Crystals on the Inner Surface of the Window Pane
Yellowknife, North West Territories
Based on your feedback, I realize that I may have come across as a touch desperate in my last posting. I admit, I was floundering. But I want you to know I am OK and that your responses helped me.
I received suggestions and encouragement by email, in person, and seemingly transmitted by cosmic rays from the universe. Thank you everyone, I appreciate each word you wrote and spoke to me. And, like an ice jam breaking in spring thaw, the river of creativity is again flowing.
Some of Your Tips
- Take things one day at a time
- Put the problem out to the universe (maybe I did by blogging about it)
- Go back to your outline
- Interview additional people
- Take a break, the words will come when the time is right
- Use index cards to make a visual, movable plan, like a mind-map
- Visit the original source of inspiration - person or place
The hot tips that thawed the jam for me: an I-can-do-it attitude adjustment, a visual map and making a plan for more interviews. By the way, I can tolerate ice jams and cold, as proven by my photo on the right, which I took in Yellowknife on a beyond-cold January afternoon. But I really do prefer the warmth.
What a boost to know you are all rooting for me. That truly warmed me.